GREAT SHOT!!! I have gone to NYC for years and NEVER seen this area empty. It looks so different. I hope you enjoyed the time to yourself and got some additional amazing images that you will share with us.
Beautiful symmetry. Perfect angle (angel?) and exposure. Nice one!
A fine city shot with an amazing lack of people. Well done.
Like an entrance to some magical land 🙂
Awesome frame!
…Oh, and of course – Merry Christmas! 🙂
Beautifully framed . Great tones too 🙂
it looks nice, like there’s only God there 🙂
Excellent. Where was Everyone? Watching 30 Rock? 🙂
Aptly named…and so it is.
subzero, really? i didn’t know NYC got that cold. fabulous shot. (i didn’t know it got this empty either 🙂
Love the tones, beautiful shot.
=Smart NYC. Love this capture. Has an HDR texture to it.
I always try to get as few people on shots like these because they only distract from the perfect symmetry! You challanged the cold and got this: perfect!
still feels very festive and warm – i’m sure it is as cold as you say – the light on the buildings though looks so warm.
15 replies on “festive but empty”
Love the title… Cool shot!
GREAT SHOT!!! I have gone to NYC for years and NEVER seen this area empty. It looks so different. I hope you enjoyed the time to yourself and got some additional amazing images that you will share with us.
Beautiful symmetry. Perfect angle (angel?) and exposure. Nice one!
A fine city shot with an amazing lack of people. Well done.
Like an entrance to some magical land 🙂
Awesome frame!
…Oh, and of course – Merry Christmas! 🙂
Beautifully framed . Great tones too 🙂
it looks nice, like there’s only God there 🙂
Excellent. Where was Everyone? Watching 30 Rock? 🙂
Aptly named…and so it is.
subzero, really? i didn’t know NYC got that cold. fabulous shot. (i didn’t know it got this empty either 🙂
Love the tones, beautiful shot.
=Smart NYC. Love this capture. Has an HDR texture to it.
I always try to get as few people on shots like these because they only distract from the perfect symmetry! You challanged the cold and got this: perfect!
still feels very festive and warm – i’m sure it is as cold as you say – the light on the buildings though looks so warm.
I really love this shot…fantastic framing!