Lowlight People Photos things Urban

kingdom ablaze of those photos i thought of deleting..

19 replies on “kingdom ablaze”

OMG Rian, what a mind blower. Fireworks? Great treatment. The people with the ears really make the shot. One of the best I have seen of yours, from a creative POV. Nice!

Surreal and very provocative image. It could fit one of the Harry Potter books very nicely.:-)
Excellent image…. glad you didn’t deep six it!

Never delete photos. There are always new things coming out to do something with them and here you didn’t even need anything. I really like this because it isn’t the normal scene. You really need to stop and look at it. Glad it’s in B&W, too. That also added a lot. Nice save Rian.

No! Seriously you thought of deleting this?? it’s fabulous. i love what’s going on in the sky. and those castle spires it’s fabulous. to me it has the feeling of a group dream. as if all the people standing there are dreaming the same dream.

Wow this is really good! I am glad you did not delete it! Gives a whole other Disney feel that I have never seen before in a photo. Really like it!!

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