Wow, that has to be some of the most colorful graffiti I’ve ever seen that wasn’t intentionally created as art. ROFL at the guy dreaming with his art on the road itself.
cool colors, nice find
I like the colors here
So many colors for this mundane bridge lead to a very important question: why?
hm.. different people, lots of reasons.. but if i were a tagger, i’d probably do this because i want to leave a mark / memento of my existence..
rather colorful for something that usually doesn’t have much color. I like the blur of the vehicle as it passed by.
This bridge has sure been tagged a lot making a very colorful shot
That sure is a colourful pile of graffiti.
Hehehe…artistic bridge! Unbelievable ! :-0
such a visually busy place and then the perfect puff of a single cloud. very nice. i like the super saturation here.
I’m aways in two minds over this tagging thing. I hate the fasct that kids these days seem to feel the need to leave grafitti on anything that does not move as a ‘mark’ they were here. In the UK they’d done it on anciebt gravestones, bridges, places of beauty too. It’s vandalism, simple as that.
And yet on occasions, it can really make for a visual feast like the skateboard park in Central London where it looks very cool, though in a controlled way. Overall, I’d shoot the buggers if it were me……..Neat shot Rian.
This graffiti is not so attractive!
Cool colorful find and that disappearing car is super ;))
I think I have seen this bridge mentioned somewhere for its grafitti
17 replies on “N17th”
Wow, that has to be some of the most colorful graffiti I’ve ever seen that wasn’t intentionally created as art. ROFL at the guy dreaming with his art on the road itself.
cool colors, nice find
I like the colors here
So many colors for this mundane bridge lead to a very important question: why?
hm.. different people, lots of reasons.. but if i were a tagger, i’d probably do this because i want to leave a mark / memento of my existence..
rather colorful for something that usually doesn’t have much color. I like the blur of the vehicle as it passed by.
Voilà un pont qui n’a pas besoins d’une couche de peinture pour être agréable à l’oeil.
Very nice. Lots of colors. Great find!
This bridge has sure been tagged a lot making a very colorful shot
That sure is a colourful pile of graffiti.
Hehehe…artistic bridge! Unbelievable ! :-0
such a visually busy place and then the perfect puff of a single cloud. very nice. i like the super saturation here.
I’m aways in two minds over this tagging thing. I hate the fasct that kids these days seem to feel the need to leave grafitti on anything that does not move as a ‘mark’ they were here. In the UK they’d done it on anciebt gravestones, bridges, places of beauty too. It’s vandalism, simple as that.
And yet on occasions, it can really make for a visual feast like the skateboard park in Central London where it looks very cool, though in a controlled way. Overall, I’d shoot the buggers if it were me……..Neat shot Rian.
This graffiti is not so attractive!
Cool colorful find and that disappearing car is super ;))
I think I have seen this bridge mentioned somewhere for its grafitti
Good grief. Don’t they even try to stop it?