Fisheye Photos street Urban

swirly rock

..30 rock in holiday mode, more at flickr..

Lowlight Photos street things Urban


..fifth and last image of the series..

..and no, this is not how my Christmas looks like, you’d have to tone it down a bit.. ;D

..looks like I jinxed yesterday’s trip with the title “smooth sailing”.. we got stuck in Atlanta overnight due to a missed connection.. spent Christmas eve eating bulgogi in a bar/restaurant.. 🙂

Lowlight Photos street things Urban

smooth sailing

..fourth image of the series..

..i’m off to cali for the holidays, hope to get some cool snaps from there.. have a merry Christmas everyone! 🙂

Lowlight Photos street things Urban


..third image of the series.. and if you’re bored & stuck in your cube, read this, it’ll make you smile..

TIP 1  How to become a professional photographer
Buy a digital camera.

TIP 2  Tricks of the trade
Have a look on the camera, somewhere, probably on the top or back or somewhere on the front or sides there will be a button or dial marked ‘A’, this does not stand for ‘Automatic’ as some amateurs think but ‘Awesome’. Leave it on this all the time.

TIP 3  Photography courses
There is no need for even a basic photography course because once you buy a digital camera you will be a professional photographer like me. Not as good as me though.

TIP 4  Lighting
You will need some light otherwise the photos will come out a bit too dark. Usually you can fix them in photoshop but some light to begin with is good.

TIP 5  Subject Matter
Yes, it does. Dont take photos of girls leaving the high school from your car as the fine is $360.00 and a years probation.


Lowlight Photos street things Urban


..second image of this mini-series.. you feelin’ warm yet? 🙂

Lowlight Photos street things Urban


..starting off a series of images i took last 2007, seems fitting for this week.. 🙂 enjoy!