..here’s to the weekend that passed..
For the rest of us there is always sunday
The day of the week that reeks of rest but all we do is catch our breath so we can wade naked into the bloody pool and place our hand on the big black book
To watch the knives zigzag between our aching fingers– Stone Sour (Omega)
..and here’s a municipal pier from philly.. um, what gives? how are they related? *shrugs* i dunno..
24 replies on “ah, monday”
ooooh i love love the sky, a great backing for the old building, well shot, well processed, well done!!
Great contrast between the building and such an intense sky.
Cool building with it being a mirror of its self. Good Shot
Love that blue, so vivid and contrasts well against the building.
Are there at least 8 other piers? Great sky!!
amazing clouds you have here – very nice contrast to the building. 🙂
Ah yes, mondays… they never end. but you composed a great shot with the clouds and pier!
A spectacular building under that great looking sky. Fine composition and detail.
Nice wide angle – the municipal peer almost looks 2D 🙂 great description – I like such descriptions, but i Hate Mondays! 😀
ominous mood. matches your words.
Nice symmetrical design on the building…I like the saturated sky. That’s the type of sky that opens up for the next flood at a moment’s notice.
Very moody sky! And the building has a very unique style all its own. Great Job!
Great colors and tones…love the sky!
The entrance of the pier leads us to the sky. Nicely done!
There are some really ornate touches in this structure. It’s really quite gorgeous. (Better to be a sleep talker than a sleep walker:-)
eek.. i wasn’t paying attention, there probably are at least 8 other piers but this was the one that ‘stood out’ most.. 🙂 thanks.. 😀
Awesome picture, excellent vibrant sky sets off this cool building in a nice way. Like it a lot.
from Philly…..wow….amazing sky, wonderful picture, even more than wonderful, STUNNING as you ask me, once I walked to the Benjamin Franklin Bridge and took a picture of the Delaware, 30 years ago, being out there was not the smartest thing my ‘host family’ thought, I only wanted to take pictures and I made sure I wore the same clothes as the ‘locals’ and I made sure I did not have to talk to anybody, I loved being in those places and wander around in the beautiful town of Philly…
again you brought back so many many dear memories, thank you.
Very nice colours. I like the way the sky has turned out
Nicely processed and love the contrast.
Gotta love the blue sky, beautiful shot!
Wow!! That sky! That is intense! I love how you composed this!
This is a great photo, great sky and composition.
This is great. The colors are fantastic. Love any photo that combines a blue and a tan. I really like the perspective in this one against how the clouds seem to be moving forward. Nice.