Great busy street scene, fantastic looking building!
I like this colorful shot. A great building…
That is super. I love the use of the short focal length to bring the walls in.
Nice shot. The building looks great against that blue sky.
FedEx is everywhere. Fun video!! Over what time period??
yep, they sure are.. 😀
from the jpg timestamps, i’m estimating 2 hours worth of shooting..
i love the crispness of the photo, the parts of the building that are weathered, the parts that are in the sun, the colors surrounding the building which suggest life within the order. beautiful, rian.
cool time lapse video! and i love this shot, esp the light, i mean i like the shadow on the sides of the building 🙂
Great quality of the shot . Super clear. Great colors too !
I love structure images. This one is so ornate and I can imagine how difficult it was to capture. You’ve done well in all three shot.
Geez Rian! I suddenly forgot what picture is even up. That time lapse thing is fantastic!!! Friggin GREAT job!!!
cool video!
and with the photo love the sun on that red building behind. the building in the foreground looks like a wonderful place to live.
I like all the shots you took of this fascinating building. And the time lapsed video was well worth the time creating it. Great!
[…] what do we have here, it’s something i posted last saturday.. EXIF information model Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL exposureTime 1/15 s fnumber f/9.1 […]
14 replies on “po po 2”
Great busy street scene, fantastic looking building!
I like this colorful shot. A great building…
That is super. I love the use of the short focal length to bring the walls in.
Nice shot. The building looks great against that blue sky.
FedEx is everywhere. Fun video!! Over what time period??
yep, they sure are.. 😀
from the jpg timestamps, i’m estimating 2 hours worth of shooting..
i love the crispness of the photo, the parts of the building that are weathered, the parts that are in the sun, the colors surrounding the building which suggest life within the order. beautiful, rian.
cool time lapse video! and i love this shot, esp the light, i mean i like the shadow on the sides of the building 🙂
Great quality of the shot . Super clear. Great colors too !
I love structure images. This one is so ornate and I can imagine how difficult it was to capture. You’ve done well in all three shot.
Geez Rian! I suddenly forgot what picture is even up. That time lapse thing is fantastic!!! Friggin GREAT job!!!
cool video!
and with the photo love the sun on that red building behind. the building in the foreground looks like a wonderful place to live.
I like all the shots you took of this fascinating building. And the time lapsed video was well worth the time creating it. Great!
[…] what do we have here, it’s something i posted last saturday.. EXIF information model Canon EOS 400D DIGITAL exposureTime 1/15 s fnumber f/9.1 […]