Pretty weird title for this post huh? Well, hear me out. From the moment you get a brand-spankin’ new gadget like your dSLR, you treat it so delicately & gingerly, to the point the wifey looks at you in a weird way. And then you read some bad stuff and hope yours doesn’t have it. This shot was from a few months back when I read about dust bunnies. I shot a bunch of these just to test if I had them.. looks clean.. (or so it seems)
7 replies on “Paranoia”
It’s a clean, blue sky on my monitor. Looks good to me.
I don’t know, there might be a few in that tree 😉 This test shot did provide you with an interesting compositing. Works surprisingly well!
No worries there…my sensor, however, it needs a good cleaning.
Lol! Dust bunnies? I usually get those under my bed, not in my cameras…but now you have me worrying. 😉
I thought I spotted a couple there.
There on the top right corner at about 3 on the X axis and -5 on the Y.
They are close and form a group.
Man, you better get that fixed now !!
Just kidding;)
Ha yup I have done that to. Looks good to me!
I did have dust bunnies but I used my dirt buster and everything is cool now. 🙂