Photos Urban

tri-blurry bridge

..sharpness is overrated..(?)

..another slow day.. so i’ve been surfing the net and went to dpreview has this nifty tool in their lens reviews that gauges lens IQ.. and in order to understand the terminologies & methods they used to obtain their results, i went to their forums and spent some hours reading.. and now i think i’m having a headache.. yep, it was informative, but i think some brain cells died in the process.. just kidding.. 😀 it’s a great source of information.. (lots of geekspeak) here’s a blurry shot for today.. the triborough bridge (aka Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Bridge) read about it here

25 replies on “tri-blurry bridge”

I like the blurred lights. Kind of reminds me of times when we’ve driven too long at night and the road begins to look like that…not a good thing:-) Nice capture.

I’ve ben on the road too long, I’m tired and bored, and the music on the CD no longer does it’s job of keeping me awake. Just for a moment my mind wanders, I go into a brown stare, and shake myself awake as car horns sound and I wander from my own lane into the next……

Great shot, love the effect

Agree that it looks like Christmas lights and I like the blur. I think you have Christmas on the brain – which is terrific and will produce many interesting images…

Awesome shot! I love how colors get saturated when you shoot out of focus…they start blurring together and interacting with each other on a whole different level. I love that you decided to shoot this one that way.

Great shot. Many trips home from the office are like this for me. I’m on auto-pilot most of the way there. By the time I pull into the driveway, I don’t understand how I got home so quickly.

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