People Photos things


..a couple of guys (the others are hiding somewhere) prepping their boat for sail.. it looks pretty brand new.. or well maintained.. or whatever they call them in seaman’s slang..

21 replies on “m233”

It would take quite a crew to manage a sailboat of this size. It does look beautifully maintained (lots of work in doing that!) A very appealing image for us landlubbers!

This boat is goed onderhouden zoals dat van een echte zeeman mag worden verwacht, that is what it is called in seaman language, I was a sea girl…..grin…the boat comes before everything.
Wonderful shot……..

It has always felt like a loss that I don’t speak seaman slang, and this again confirms that feeling because otherwise I would have had something clever to say about this picture, in Seaman slang. But alas…. I’ll say I like the picture though 🙂

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