
two years

..i’m interrupting the NOLA series for this one.. Digitized Chaos is now 2 years old! woohoo! thanks for everyone who visited here the past two years.. 🙂 viewed supersized..

two years
two years

36 replies on “two years”

CONGRATULATIONS, Rian! You deserve all the WooHoos you can get. At first I thought this was a photo moasaic, but now I’m not so sure. It’s a cool effect, whatever it is!

Wow…two years already ? !
That is indeed something to celebrate ! Congrats!

Nice image…I wonder how you did that!

VERY cool. Congrats on 2 years!!! Your photography has come a long way in two years, too. It was great watching all your experiments and especially, for me, the creation of Moleman.

I have always wanted to do a macro eye shot. And as such I was tempted to open it form your archive. Can’t really say if I particularly like it or not but it’s defnitely different from the thousand other eye shots.

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