..i’ve been looking at Peter Lik’s site and got curious about film.. since i haven’t the time & resources to try it out, i went for the next best thing.. since i’ve had my grubby hands on a “film” plug-in that i haven’t tried out yet, i decided to play around with it on my “digital darkroom”.. two-strip(ped) or two-color(ed) and GAF 500.. i wasn’t able to gather any info as to what GAF 500 is, but i like how it turned out.. 😀
..taken in Rockefeller Center, closer to the GE building, there’s the skating rink down south..
26 replies on “moleman series: rockefeller center (reprise)”
i’m the president WNMPB it’s an accronym stands for we need more Pink Buildings… nice shot kiddo
Certainly works for me. Love the grainy feeling to the sky and the life in those amazing clouds.
Looks like this was cross processed, nice one!
Fantastic red colors.
I like the colors of the buildings that your processing brought out. Also I like the framing with the buildings surrounding the entire photo!
I like…very nice red tones and cool composition!
Excellent composition. Such unusual colors.
haha. i do too. good colors. really like the contrast there. another awesome composition of the building.
Toning, angle, perfect works!
The”confused” world in the pink colour…:)) Super shot !!!
The red circular design is very eye-catching. Nice one.
I’ve seen the Rockefeller Center and the skating rink on The Today Show for years and always wanted to see it in person. I’m sure that sounds corny to many people (I don’t get out much…lol), but seriously, I’d love to see NYC and particularly this area. Love your capture. The colors are incredible. I saw it last night and you had the comments disabled. I was so disappointed. Glad you opened them:-)
Fine grain here Rian. Your photographs seriously make me want to come to NYC when chances come..
Makes me want to run to the nearest phone booth, put on my Superman suit and Fly. Cool shot!
I like a lot this split toning, these red buildings on this sky are stunning, with this pov furthermore!
Fantastic tone and love the graininess.
Interesting study, and a way to see things differently. The combination of tones is working well.
Nice processing, like the grainy look and the overall tones. Nice
Definitely vintage. GAF 500 is a mystery, but the effect worked well. We did not think Superman but rather fenced in. Cool shot.
Amazing! I absolutely love the symmetry in this shot, especially because of the angle and the distortion, very well done!
Cool photo and processing – it really works here. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
such a nice work, I like tones and the symmetric view.
Great colors!
thats got to be your best of the lot! 🙂 Brilliant ‘geometric’ composition 🙂 Well done Rian.
very impressive, nice shot
GAF 500 was a scientific film, I believe. Could be wrong about that. Love the shot, though. Can’t really add to what others have said.