Architecture Black n White Photos

bee hive

..back to government street.. here’s a church named ‘the bee hive’..

The congregation of Government Street United Methodist Church, Methodism’s Mother Church in Mobile, began in 1826 on Franklin Street. Called “The Bee Hive” because of it’s activity, it sent “swarms” throughout the city to form new congregations. A brick structure replaced the original wooden church in 1848-49. The move to this corner was accomplished with the dedication of a Gothic structure in 1890. The remodeling to Spanish Colonial architecture was begun in 1906 and completed in 1917. Architect was Mobilian George B. Rogers, and Harry E. Goodhue of Boston created the stained glass windows.

21 replies on “bee hive”

I like this sharp up angled shot which shows the intricate and beautiful designs in this facade. I like seeing such artist work which today seems absent from most new constructions. Nice shot.

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