Architecture HDR Photos street Urban

light of all seems i’ve been bitten by the tweakies again.. the sun on the light post was just too good to pass up so i tweaked away (or at least attempted to.. 😀 )

..this here’s the arlington street church..

Arlington Street Church is a Unitarian Universalist church located in Boston, Massachusetts. Founded in 1729 as the “Church of the Presbyterian Strangers”, it became independent in 1787, taking on a Congregational model. In 1803, it called William Ellery Channing as its minister who defined “Unitarian Christianity” and launched the Unitarian movement, making the Arlington Street Church one of the first to define itself as Unitarian. On May 17, 2004, the church was the site of the first state-sanctioned same-sex marriage in the United States. (more)

..and, if you were wondering about that blue cast.. yeah.. it’s deliberate..