Fisheye Indoor Photos Urban


..yesterday and today’s image got me thinking about a new theme that’s cold and metallic.. let’s see how long i can keep this up..

..this here’s taken while i was rummaging the trash for foodies, i’m a freegan.. didn’t you know that? hehe..

23 replies on “void”

I like the circle within a cirlcle thing. The shot is very cool. Now I know why you seem like you’re everywhere… you’re a wandering bum. I’m always up for a new Rian theme.

wow!! it´s very very nice! =)

me gusto mucho… me gusta la foto y el arte en general… yo soy principiante la verdad. ojala pudieras pasar por mi sitio a checar mis fotos y dejar un comentario. te lo agradeceria mucho!

Freegan – I LOVE that! I know several freegans. Most of them are older men who’ve never been married. Any time someone brings in goodies for everyone, they’re the first to glom on. πŸ˜€

As for the shot itself, very cool!

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