Landscape Photos things

loner oil rig in the gulf of mexico..

19 replies on “loner”

I like the lone tower and the high contrast treatment of the water. It helps make this a very strong picture in these days of so much damage and ineffective remedies.

Rian, this really is a telling image today with the explosion and the spill still occuring in the Gulf. It’s obvious we all use oil, gas etc…..but maybe they should have a disaster recovery plan prior to drilling. Seems to me that what has been going on is rather hit and miss, understandably it is a deep well, more reason for a disaster plan as I see it. Great shot, I love the way the ocean looks as well as the towering platform.

Haha, i was waiting for the image to be loaded since i had only the top : superb ! The mirror of the sea, your minimalist compo, the sky.

the grays and silvers in this are beautiful.

and your title and message are powerful – it feels like 3/4 of the world is sick and angry about the leak.

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