..i was watching the local news & it’s not good, the oil slick is approaching Dauphin Island (where i got this week’s bird shots)..

..i was watching the local news & it’s not good, the oil slick is approaching Dauphin Island (where i got this week’s bird shots)..
..far better shot than what i had before..
The Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) is the smallest of the eight species of pelican, although it is a large bird in nearly every other regard. It is 106–137 cm (42–54 in) in length, weighs from 2.75 to 5.5 kg (6-12 lb) and has a wingspan from 1.83 to 2.5 m (6 to 8.2 ft). (wiki)
..these guys were really loud..
The Laughing Gull, Leucophaeus atricilla, is a medium-sized gull of North and South America. It breeds on the Atlantic coast of North America, the Caribbean, and northern South America. Northernmost populations migrate further south in winter, and this species occurs as a rare vagrant to western Europe. (There was an influx into North-west Europe in late October 2005 when at least 18, possibly as many as 35, individuals occurred on one day in the UK alone.) The Laughing Gull’s English name is derived from its raucous kee-agh call, which sounds like a high-pitched laugh “ha… ha… ha…”. (wiki)
..i dunno why, but these guys were fun to look at, they look pretty sharp.. i guess that’s what makes them “royal”.. 🙂
..or maybe mobsters eyeballing the opposing “family”.. 🙂
The Royal Tern (Thalasseus maximus, syn. Sterna maxima) is a seabird in the tern family Sternidae. This bird has two distinctive subspecies.T. m. maximus breeds on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the southern USA and Mexico into the Caribbean. The slightly smaller T. m. albididorsalis breeds in coastal west Africa.American birds winter south to Peru and Argentina, and African breeders move both north and south from the breeding colonies. (wiki)
..it was a great day, i took the BigmOS out for a stroll..
The Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias) is a large wading bird in the heron family Ardeidae, common near the shores of open water and in wetlands over most of North and Central America as well as the West Indies and the Galápagos Islands. It is a rare vagrant to Europe, with records from Spain, the Azores and England. An all-white population found only in the Caribbean and south Florida was once known as a separate species, the Great White Heron. (wiki)
..dwayne wade’s injured.. tsk3..
..one of those photos i thought of deleting..
..something cheery after yesterday‘s post..
..doesn’t seem like something from Disneyland, right? 🙂
..it’s somewhere down there..
(katamaran n. laziness) ..tagalog, our local dialect in the philippines..
..might as well go for a wordless Wednesday too just like my photo blog buddy Bob.. 🙂
..3.1.. did you get it? 🙂
..anyways, this is how yesterday’s post (washed out pier) would look like if you were to step back a few meters away.. you can even see my footsteps from here.. i decided to leave them there and not clone them out because i find it interesting (or is it distracting? oh well..)
..continuing with the biloxi “beach-scapes” series i started off last week, here’s the colored version of what i had last monday..
..and a bonus..
..i’m obviously running out of titles, i guess you can figure this one out, yeah?
..and here it is in mono, just because i’m in the mood for it.. so which one do you prefer?
..this little birdy spotted me taking a snap of him..
..long time no moleman.. here’s one..
The James A. Farley Building is the main post office building in New York City. Its ZIP code designation is 10001. Built in 1912, the building is famous for bearing the inscription: Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds. In 1982, the post office was officially designated ‘”The James A. Farley Building'”, as a monument and testament to the political career of the nation’s 53rd Postmaster General. The Farley Post Office is home to “Operation Santa,” made famous in the classic 1947 film Miracle on 34th Street. (wiki)
..i’d like to think of this as some trail left by a leafy monster..
..let me quote sherri on this..
I could not get in that water though. Something about it creeps me out.
..shot these series of images on a chilly february day, that’s the reason for it being desolate and all..
..starting off a new series of images from the “redneck riviera”.. read about it here..
..must be nice to live just a few meters away from the beach..
..i see a seven, do you?
..do the mr roboto dance..