..i’ve kept most of my winter clothes, but had to bring some of them out again.. wtfff..
Tag: Empire State Building
..wifey noticed this.. pretty cool framing, eh? 🙂
..well, the halloween parade series is now over, but i think i still have about a hundred more to dump in my flickr site..
..as close a shot as i can of the empire’s spire..
empire lobby
..had to take a snap as fast as i could to get this to avoid being jostled by the masses.. 🙂
..view this in mono..
fifth and infinity
..what exactly are you looking at right here? it’s midtown, and that long road going upward from the bottom right frame is fifth avenue..
..view this in mono..
east river view
..a nice place to take in the view of the city and hear all the crazy drivers honking..
..flares were probably caused by dust bunnies on the filter, i just left it there.. it looked cool.. (and too much trouble to clean up too..)
..view this in mono..
pepsi co
..the city from the other side of the river..
..see this in mono..
street view
..what do you do when you wanna capture manhattan a-la vincent laforet but can’t justify the moolah to get a ‘copter? get up the tallest building you can find and dangle your camera out the ledge, and voila.. (just make sure to wrap the strap around your wrist..)
..this here’s looking up the north face of the empire state building..
..same place where i got this..
..i was just looking at this photo and instead of the empire state building, i was thinking of godzilla.. how weird.. oh well, time to hit the sack..
gone streaking
..it’s a loong weekend! i’m gonna sleep the whoole day.. 🙂
..taken while taking a break beside flatiron building..
..hmm, what? expecting something else? sorry to disappoint you.. hehe..
..paying homage to an icon that stands tall, a classic..
New Yorker
So, a while ago, I went out & took a boat to New Jersey to get a different perspective of Manhattan. I walked south from Port Imperial along the waterfront when I spied a 100-foot stairway zigzagging against the cliff. Thinking that a better view could be seen from atop the stairway, I ventured further. Although a bit out of breath from the climb, the view was astounding! I was thinking “Boy, these Weehawkens (or whatever they’re called) have it good!”.
This day has been a series of fortunate events.. We just got out in time for the bus – no waiting in the bitter cold. Not that the weather sucked, on the contrary, the weather didn’t quite suck that much at all.. 😀 I also chanced upon a religious pamphlet on the seat I was about to take, and being the curious type, instead of just swatting it away from the seat, I got it and started to read it just to pass the time. But when I opened it, guess who was staring at me right in the face, it was my good friend Jackson! I just got me 20 bucks! Woohoo! And it got me a “free pass” to the Empire State building. Yep, this shot was taken from the Empire State, these pigeons just decided to pose for the shot. And to finish the day, it’s off to Serendipity 3 for dessert. Not that I expected to get in ‘coz that place almost always had a line at the door. But Lady Luck bared her pearly whites for us and we were soon gorging on gorgeous confections. Yummy! Now if only I could taste the $1000 dessert they’re offering, this day would be perfect. lol.
01/11/08 Update
I’m looking at this photo & it reminds me of the nuke explosion on Heroes. Isaac Mendez’ view from his apartment?
02/16/08 Update
Doing some bit of organization & I happened to find the pamphlet I was talking about. Looky here –>