Architecture Photos Urban


We went out for lunch and bypassed the usual route we normally take to “forage” for food. We ended up farther than usual and had a leisurely – albeit freezing – walk back to the office. Overshadowed by Trump World Tower, here’s a unique structure called 100 United Nations Plaza Tower. Info from Emporis

– This black and brown-clad building rises vertically to the upper floors, where its north and south facades taper shaply to form a top wedge.
– To break away even further from the customary, there are balconies protruding as horizontal “ribs”, going around the corners of the building — also on the lower portion of the tapering top — as well as bulging from the mid-facade.
– On the east side of the building, there is a lush plaza with a fountain.
– Entrance to 100 United Nations Plaza is through a garden plaza dramatically landscaped with handsome fountains.
– Very prominent on the East Side skyline in Midtown until overshadowed by Trump World Tower, completed in 2001.

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Looks like this hobby of mine is rubbing off on someone. 🙂 Well, not that she has any say in it because I left her for like 30 minutes at the park last Sunday looking for the loo & she killed time mashing the shutter. Good job!
I guess it’s common knowledge for New Yorkers that Manhattan isn’t “bladder-friendly”, that is, you’d be hard pressed finding the loo. So, having been in NY for quite sometime, I should’ve at least have learned this.. Coffee (or other diuretics) + (extremely) Cold weather + NY = bladder nightmare. Still, a caffeine junkie won’t be a caffeine junkie without caffeine now, no? (redundant, no?).

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People Photos Urban


Here’s some kids romping around in the snow.

Nightscape Photos Urban


NY got hit again with another snow storm. A blanket of snow 6″ thick was expected and it was what we got. 🙂 Satiated my curiosity by moseying around in the snow. Here’s a yeti’s pawprint. hehe..

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Ate quite a lot this lunch and since it’s such a fine day, decided to walk around the back alleys of Gotham. Here’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral as viewed from the Villard House.

Nightscape Photos


What happens when the moon falls under the earth’s shadow? It’s a lunar eclipse! 🙂 I had no intention of shooting this event unless I acquired a significantly longer lens but then again, do what you can with what you have. We were just peering out of our place from the top floor & admiring the view, another thing lead to another thing, and then I was downstairs in the cold wearing slippers, PJs & a thick jacket shooting the moon.

Architecture Photos Urban


I found myself agape, admiring a skyscraper — the prow of the Flatiron Building, to be particular, ploughing up through the traffic of Broadway and Fifth Avenue in the late-afternoon light. – H.G. Wells (1906)

My sentiments exactly.

Landscape Nature People Photos

Through the Looking Glass

We went on a road trip today that encompassed three states. hehe.. Here’s Jao trying to figure out how to work the binoculars at Barnegat lighthouse. And also, a trackback to his vids @ YouTube. He recently won the foul shot contest at school! Check it out at his site. 🙂

Indoor People Photos


Today we were at our relatives place in Jersey for a li’l birthday party for my cousin’s daughter Nina. Here’s the celebrant herself having a blast! That’s Nina’s brother, Jao at the lower left frame taking her picture. Happy Birthday Nina!! 🙂

Landscape Photos

Cooped Up

We’ve nothing better to do today so we cleaned up our mess at home.. well, it was mostly mine.. After taking a brief breather, I noticed that it was getting dark and got to catch this golden sky from the window (undefiled & un-PP’ed).. And, it was back to work again.. hehe..

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Merging Point

Architecture Landscape Panorama Photos


Today’s expedition brought me to a lighthouse at Roosevelt Island’s northern tip. Here’s a brief history of the lighthouse I got from

This 50-foot-tall, gray gneiss, Gothic-style lighthouse was built in 1872. It is not an official Coast Guard lighthouse, but it was commissioned by the city. The lighthouse’s purpose was to “effectually light” the nearby New York City Insane Asylum for boats navigating the treacherous Hell Gate waters. It was designed by architect James Renwick, Jr., whose other works include Smallpox Hospital and St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Inmate labor was probably used in the city-run project, but to elaborate much on its construction is to explore legend.

The legendary mysteries are the names of Asylum inmate(s?) John McCarthy and Thomas Maxey and whether these two names refer to one person, two people or even existent people. Supposedly, before the lighthouse was built, McCarthy (or Maxey), fearing a British invasion, was constructing a four-foot-high clay fort on this site. Asylum officials let him finish the fort because, during his adrenaline-rushed work, he reclaimed significant areas of marsh. (They even gave him old Civil War cannons as encouragement.) When the city wanted to build the Lighthouse, officials bribed or persuaded McCarthy either to give up or to demolish the fort.

Whether McCarthy complied or not is the choice of the storyteller, but the fort did come down. Then, supposedly, another Asylum patient was summoned to build the Lighthouse. This inmate styled himself “Thomas Maxey, Esq., architect, mason, carpenter, civil engineer, philosopher, and philanthropist.” The lighthouse was built, though adherence to Renwick’s blueprint is questionable. Despite Thomas Maxey’s supposed labor, John McCarthy’s name was credited on a plaque that remained at the Lighthouse’s base until its mysterious disappearance in the 1960s:

This work
was done by
John McCarty
who built the light
house from the bottom to the
top all ye who do pass by may
pray for his soul when he dies.

The Lighthouse was decommissioned in the 1940s, designated a city landmark in 1975, and partially restored the following year. In 1998 an anonymous grant of $120,000 funded complete restoration (including internal lamps).

Indoor Nightscape Photos Urban


Yesterday’s first “major” winter snowfall disturbed a hornet’s nest. I mean “camera-toting” hornets. Despite the snowfall & the failing light, Central Park was bustling with tourists & locals alike lugging either a flimsy P&S or their hefty SLRs. I must’ve seen two guys with Hasselblads around Bethesda Fountian.

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The first thing I thought of shooting when I got into this hobby is The Mall on Central Park on a winter time. Of course that wasn’t possible back then because it was still early spring. And today was the first “major” snow fall this winter. So off I went, but before I got to The Mall, it was already dark.. (and I got a li’l bit lost..) as usual, I walked around aimlessly.

Architecture Nightscape Photos Urban

Show’s Over

This was taken a few hours ago at the East River Park. My face’s still kinda numb. I guess this is what botox feels. lol. I’m too lazy, here’s a clip from Wikipedia.

East River Park, part of the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation, is a public park located on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. The park stretches along the East River from Montgomery Street up to 12th Street. The southern entrance boasts good views of the Manhattan Bridge and Brooklyn Bridge. The amphitheater, built in 1941 just south of Grand Street, has been reconstructed and is often used for public performances. The park includes football, baseball and soccer fields, tennis, basketball and handball courts, a running track and bike paths including the East River Greenway. Fishing is another popular activity. The park is bisected by the Williamsburg Bridge.

Landscape Nature Photos

Here fishy fishy

What’s the newest exercise fad you can think of right now..? Yoga, pilates, cardioboink-boink(okay, I made that up).. the list goes on and on and on (like the Energizer bunny). For me, I guess my latest hobby (shutterbug) would be my “exercise fad” right now. Given the option of running (or jogging) outside or being a couch potato, eating chips while watching dvds all day long, which would you choose? I guess you’ll pick couch potato, am I right? I would, but nooo, I chose to get out in the freezing cold & walk miles & miles & miles, like the Energizer bunny (see the trend here?) just to shoot some birds. They weren’t really my objective, actually, I really didn’t have an objective. I just decided on a place (Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn) and wandered around the neighborhood, shooting like mad (just kidding).

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Shiny Q

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Brooklyn Brownstone

I guess it’s a rare opportunity to chance upon clear & blue skies this winter. And when it comes, you’ve got to mash that shutter like crazy. It’s been overcast for a few days now & it’s a good thing I’ve a few shots of Brooklyn Heights from last Sunday.

Architecture Photos Urban

Ash Wednesday

A woman approached me this morning while getting off the bus and asked me what was the purpose of the black smudge on my forehead. So, the indoctrination from my catholic school education kicked into gear and I explained to her briefly what Ash Wednesday was. Her puzzled expression eventually cleared up and she told me, “Oh, I thought it was some Pakistani ritual or something like that..”

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Simply Balmy

Indoor People Photos

Superbowl Sunday

If you ask me, today’s photo is not at all worthy of being posted, but here it is anyways. Last night’s shot of a bottle of beer in front of the tv (with my new nifty fifty.. hehe..). Besides, I was in no particular mood to shoot anything today because of the dreary weather. So, as everyone might well know, the Giants won the Superbowl. Woohoo! We whooped Boston’s ass! Sweet revenge, what with them winning the World Series(baseball) and all. I guess this championship win is very satisfying, it’s been a few years since New York got hold of a championship win (see listing below). And the fans are really salivating for a win like this. I mean, NY fans are really hardcore. The way I see it, if the team is doing good, they’ll cheer their pants off for you, but if the team sucks, then that’s a different story. I’ve seen the Knicks for several times now, and let me tell you. They suck. ([chanting]Fire Isaiah![chanting]) Anyways, let’s go back on track now, shall we? Well, there’ll be a ticker parade tomorrow in honor of the Giants, but it’ll be held 11AM @ Downtown Manhattan. Yeah, I know, sounds fun.. but I guess I’ll just have to watch it in the news. But nonetheless, it’s a good thing I was here to experience it here at the “greatest city in the world” (from David Letterman).

  • NY Giants (Football) – Superbowl XXV – Jan 27, 1991
  • NY Jets (Football) – Superbowl III – Jan 12, 1969
  • NY Yankees (Baseball) – 2000 World Series
  • NY Mets (Baseball) – 1986 World Series
  • NY Knicks (Basketball) – Championships (1970, 1973) / Conference Titles (1994, 1999)
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Nature Photos

Shell Tripping

(Ooops! I tripped!) I’m guessing that this shell will be the first thing you see after falling flat on your face while strolling the beach.