Landscape Nature Photos

stairway to..

..explored the tip of pembroke parish and found this stairway leading down into the water.. i was tempted to wade towards those small islands but thought better of it.. 😀

32 replies on “stairway to..”

I’m glad you had second thoughts about wading out! 🙂 This is a beautiful coastal shot. I especially like the emphasis on the shoreline rocks and stairs. Very well done.

Great shot witth he stairs leading to the water. You should have swam to the islands I bet there was some cool photos to be had. Although it would have been tough to hold the camera out of the water as you swam 🙂

I’m glad you are avoiding dangerous temptations :} Be a good city person and stay away from the strange stuff – who knows what lurks in the water etc. Lovely shot though and taken at a great angle – very inviting :}

It is a really beautiful spot and this composition with the stairs is really excellent. I think it was wise for you to resist the urge to wade out to the islands. My guess is the task would not be as easy as it looks from here and your camera might have objected.

“I was tempted to wade towards those small islands”…that’s a premise in one of the Jaws flicks, right? Wonderful formation colors and framing. Bermuda is a paradise.

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