..took the new toy out for a spin.. it’s not as easy as it seems (see the series of images below).. 🙂
Month: February 2010
the other sore thumb
..two weeks ago, i posted this.. now if you go over to the other side, this is what you’ll see..
a matter of preference
..sadly, i was too heavy to do this.. lol! 😀
..i still have a few more from this place, here’s one of them..
..okay, so i’m new at this.. i’ll get this right somehow, in the meantime, enjoy.. 🙂
..navin says this is a sparrow, i’m going with what he says.. i gotta get a bird book or something..
..last i heard, the artists were having problems staying here, but from their web site it looks like they’re staying, and will be open in spring..
..my ears are still ringing as i write this.. i went to a Sevendust concert last night and was able to squeeze out a few shots from the mosh pit.. this is Lajon Witherspoon(vocals) & John Connolly (guitars)..
..centurions drink bud light..
..that’s what those college kids were screaming out loud behind us.. they were looking to get the beads thrown by drew brees but none fell our way..
..gave this the b&w look with fat, chunky grain..
..one of the many people dressed up for mardi gras.. she was nice enough to pose for the camera.. 🙂
..well, today is mardi gras and it doesn’t get more mardi gras than this, Drew Brees (New Orleans Saints QB) in costume (as king bacchus) throwing beads to the rabid crowds.. pretty crappy shot, but what the heck, this is the only decent shot i got.. i’ll be posting some shots here in the following days, if i don’t then, just check it out on my flickr..
..lemme tell you, catching beads ain’t a walk in the park.. we saw a sobbing young girl holding a bloody hanky over her mouth, i guess she was hit by those flying beads.. i managed to catch a few beads too, not intentionally but just to shield the front element of my lens from being smashed by those beads, and boy were they heavy..
Bacchus was organized in 1968 by a group of New Orleanians who wanted to break with Carnival tradition by opening membership to out-of-town visitors and guests. They also wanted to present “the biggest and best parade and most imaginative, animated floats.” They have several signature floats, including King, Queen and Baby Kong and a dinosaur known as “Bacchasaurus.”Saints quarterback Drew Brees will reign as Bacchus.Did you know: This organization was one of the first to have celebrity monarchs. (nola.com)
moma du nola
..fresh from the press.. nola’s moma (museum of modern art) = NOMA.. it’s a holiday today, so i’m just out and about roaming the gulf coast.. 🙂
..got back from driving around Pensacola.. there was a parade awhile ago which we didn’t go see, instead, we went to the naval aviation museum.. we’ll it’s a long story so here’s a Mardi Gras float.. 🙂
..nothing much going on here, snow was here and gone just like that.. a long weekend, let’s see where i end up going again.. in the meantime, here’s 3 park avenue..
3 Park Avenue is an office building located on Park Avenue at 33rd Street in New York City, built by Cohen Brothers Realty. The 554 foot tall (169 meters) building was designed in the International Style by Shreve, Lamb and Harmon, designers of the Empire State Building, and replaced Clinton & Russell’s armory for the New York National Guard’s 71st Regiment.The first 11 floors of the 41 story building house Norman Thomas High School, H.S. 620 in the New York City public school system.The building is notable for its bright orange brick and 30 story illuminated tower which lies at a 45 degree angle to Manhattan’s street grid.The IEEE corporate office is on the 17th floor of 3 Park Avenue. International advertising company Carat, The Seavey Organization, Inner City Broadcast Holdings (WBLS/WLIB) and TransPerfect are also major tenants.(wiki)
..well, not really.. actually, they say it’s gonna snow here..
take a gander
..just part of a nice house i saw while walking down the beach..
..shot during the second day of the year, under a pier on a beach in cali..
la nouba
..going over some stuff, saw this one that looked like a crab’s face so here it is..
La Nouba is a Cirque du Soleil show, which, like most Cirque du Soleil shows, is a circus-like performance featuring acrobats, gymnasts, and other skilled performers. Its title derives from the French phrase faire la nouba, meaning “to party” or “to live it up”. La Nouba is in permanent residence in a custom-built, freestanding theater at Downtown Disney’s West Side at the Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida.One critic wrote, “La Nouba has many pivotal points that make the show what it is… You are guaranteed to find details of the show you will both dislike and adore.”
..i just can’t think of a title now.. good thing the saints won.. 🙂
..second and final day of the weekend.. time for more sleep..
an overpass
..well, what can i say.. i’m running on empty.. just enjoy the scene.. and it’s a friday too..
ghost king
citycenter pano
..is this a replica of the arc de triomphe? i dunno, i guess so.. people of paris, watcha tink?
..well from what i remember that night when i took this was that it took ages for me to set up and take the shot because of some euro tweens posing & taking pics with this background.. i don’t speak french but how ironic it would be if they were french.. 🙂
..back to vegas..